Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — Late Foreign News [ARTICLE]

Late Foreign News

Tbe Australiu arrived this iDoruing and bronght to tbis j-«»rt u large number of passen- \ gers «ml a tu>t very iinportant budg-1 of new:?. Tbe American Minister to Hawaii Mr. A 11 illis, j arrived tugetber witb bis wife i and child, The m;nister bas i tiken up bis residence at tbe Snow Cottnge belonging to tbe ■ Hawaiian Hotel. and formerlv - occupied by Mr. Bionnt and ! fauiilv. There are no new deve- ! !opments in regard to IlawaiL lu ; fact tbe American press is look- j ing anxiously towards Hawaii for «ews. Minister Willis carries «11 instroctions with him necessary to finally settle the Hawaiian ijuest!bu. In the Senate tbe opponents to Clevelaud on the Silver bill bave by tbis time sutfered a significaut dcfeut. President Cleveland bas uhown that he holds the democratic party in nis hands, and he bas simply routed the silver raen. Tbe victory of Cleveland is very’ significant and ouly confirms onr often asserted opinion tbat he snd bis supporters virtually eontrol tbe United States iu spite of barking aud wbining of such traitorous papers as the Sun and other subsidized unnexation howlers. Sir Tlu s. Hcsketh who married a duugbtt r of Mr. Sharon is in San Francisoo looking after the large inberitanoe of his wife. From Brazil there is nothing very startling, except tbe rec:ill bv tbe hnine. government of Adiuiral Stantou. His temporary reiief from bis important stution on account of bis indiscreet meddling wi11 1 l'Hial politics is very cbaracteristic. Tbe rocall of Admiral Skerrett at the 8'ime time £cems to iudicate tbe iirra attitude iu reg(»ni to foreign policy of the present Amerioan administration. In Euroi»e tbe reception of and enthusiasm displayed over the Russian Naval oflicers in iu Frame is the all absorbing topic. Ti ere is uo doubt as to the firm alli tnce of tbe two Great powers. anu the meaniug of such allianee is extremely dangeroas to the peaee of Europe. A report whieh hardly deserves to be creJited has it that ltalv is anxious for war, and would like to attack France at the first opportunity. Those familiar with the temperament and j>olicy of King Uruberto well know, ihongb. thut he would opp< se such a step at all baz.irds. Tbe K:ug of Saxony has eelebreted bis fifty years jubilee «s a militaiy officor with great festiviti s. lle was created a fieldmarshal on tue day by tbe Emj>eror of Japan. General Gourko the famous Eussiau General is very ill aud his life is despairevl of. Tbe funerals of General MeMhon and Ch~Gonm>d havr taken plaee aud were «ttended by a large oumber of celebrities and people iu general.