Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.n HOLOHWA. IS PUBLISHED Kvery Afternoon 5XCBPT SUXDAY BY THE Eolomua Publishing Co. At Kine St. LTbomas block), Honolaln, H I. SŪBSCEIPnON. per Mocth. 50 Cts, The p«per is delīvtred bv Carriers in the town and snbnrb.. Sin*>le Copies f>r S*le at the News Deultrs and at tne Office of pnblicatiou. i ABRAHĀV FĒRfiĀRDEZ , - Manager NORR!ē. - - Editor -VOTICE. All Ba»inc-ivs Commnrications shonld be nddress> d to Al.mhain Fernaudez, HonoInln, II. I. Corresp.>u lenee nnd Coninianicntions for pnblic.iti<<n sbonld l»e »ddressed to the Editor Hnwaii Holomnn. Xo uoiiee wiil be paid to uu} nuonynioas comniunications. Thso. P. Sevkhiv. a. W. Doi.stkk. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 4*i7 Xt rAxr Street, Ho\oi.rLr, iOppo. Oueen Euuui Ilall). Vie\vs of the lsland ConstaiuI v ou Haud, snch as Katives Mnking Poi, Grass Houses Hulahnla Panc»*rs, Coco«nnt Groves Slr«vt Views and llawaiiau Stjde Iodiug Uuildings, Palm and Date Groves | \Ysr Vcssels, Shipping und Manne Views. Also, a Large Colleetion of all Promiaent und Interestiug Views of tbe Hawaiiun Islauds cither monnted or nnmonnted. Amateur Work S«licited. P.O. Box 49S OHEAP FUEL F i *esl i .A1 gerol>a Firewood $9.00 per Cord Deiivered. JNO. F. eOLP.UKN A CO. llell Telephonc 3Sl. I’ost Offioe Boij32. W.W. WRIGKTASON Cw i \\m Ix All Its Braxcbes. Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 79 aiiil 80 King St.. Houolulu. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST.«^ Cornar of King and Bethel Sw., Uj»tair8, Entrar.ee on King Stre«t. Officf. Houbs- Frotn 9 to 12 no., 1to 4 p.m. S£fT Sanda_v8 excepted.