Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — CRAWFISH. [ARTICLE]


v. A eorreapondent writes and enquires of us waat to do with i Crawfiah. if he meaus our pro- j visiooaI p“lit'.cal Crt"fiih. we sbou!d suggest to leave themalone and et iheiu g t oct <-f the hole, thev h»ve g<>t into as hest they ean. 11 he nu the other side refers t<» the re3pectable Crawfi-<h who iuhihil the sea we sh<»uld prop«se U> him first to ealeh thein (say at the fish market) and then treat them as f.>Il<'ws: Sil..de Kusse anx Langonstes.— Boil two g.)<>d size<l crawfish; re. move the shell from the tail, and aliee the fle»hy part; put them into a basin witli seasoning, viuegtr. and oil (the two latter iu Piuall quaiitites), and let this stand fur an h»ur or so Cut the flesh nf tl.e claws into small dice and raix their with a quantity of variou» vegetahlee acc»rding to the time of year, all cut up 6m«Ii; add to them a httle Have ready a charlotte mould on iea; line it with fancy cut elices <>f hard boiled egg. beetr»ot, gherkins, etc. raaking pattern of shapes and colors, but be eure todip eaeh pieee in s»me thick jelly. Fill the mouhl with the prepared roixture of vegetabl<8 and fish. When nearly quite cold, arrange & pyramid oi’ well-set chopped jelly >n llie t»p, and all around plaee the slic> 8 »f the fish first inenUoi ed Let it be tb»roughly ;ced, and eerve with a plentiful and rich mayonnaise.