Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Long Branch BATH IN G Establishment. Tbis First-cl*ss Dathtng Kesort hits been enlurgeii and is now opeu to the puhlie. It is tbe best p!ace oa the isiamls to enjoy a bath nml then> is no better plaoe to I.«v off. S{>eeia! aeeommodatioDS for Latbes. Tramcars pass the d*»or **ven h.tif bot>rand on Saturd ivs aud Snndays evory fifteen miuutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. liOBTGA6£ETS K< *TICB OF FORESLOSURE. In aeeonlanee vrith thr proTi.-ions oi x certaiu mortg»£e, matie hy C ALAPAI to Isahbel!a A Aehi. «latod t*ct'ō, ! .., ivconhsl in Libtfr 14ō. page -4S; n<>ti< «f is hetvby giren that Uw Siongagt-e iutft ’* to forecloM: thr »nine Ior «x>nrlitii>ns hrokeu, to wit: uou payuifut nf pnneipal, Notice is likeonM* giv«;n that aftcr the oxpimtion of three weeka from thc «late of thts notiw, tfae property conveyeJ by s«i<l mortgat{e will l>e a>lTertiso'l for s*lo at pnblie auetion. at th“ uuelion n»‘ms of j»s. F Morgan, iu Houolnln, on MOXDAY, the 20th day of Novcmhcr. 1S93, at 12 n«x>n of sai>! >lay. . Fnrther particnlars ean he ha<l of Wm. C Aehi, Attorucy at Ijiw. I>atovl Honolnin. Qctol>er 35, 1883. ISSABELLA A. ACHI. Mortgagee. The premis«?3 covere«l by sai>l mortguge, oonsist of: All those premises situatc«l «t Ka|utlama, Hoh«>lnlu, Oahn. un>l n«>rv pantcnlar d>scribed in a partiti«>D dee>l between W C Aehi an>l said C Alapai, rec«>rded in Liber 135 paee 1; containing au area of l-iO of an acre; and beiug a part <>f those premist« kuown as Apana I dcscribed iu Koyal Patent, uumbcr 687. granted t<> Kuliipneaina, oct. 2S-3w i SANS S0UCi H0TEL WAIKIKI, IIONOLULU. Filst-Class Accommodatiou for Tounsts and Island Gnests. SUPERIOR BATH!NG FACILITIES. Private Cottages for FarwlieS. T. A. 81MP80N, oct9 Manager. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Offlce Houm: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Offlce Tel. Tel. 287. L. H. DEE, Jobber of Wines, Spirits asd Beers HOTEL 8T., Between Fort and Bcthel Street8NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, QrEEx Stp.eet, Between Alakea «V lliehanl St& THE UXr>ERSIOSKD tn prepared to make rll kin«ls of Ii*n 6mss. Btonzc, Ztnc, Tin and Leul C«stings. AIso * Oeaeml Bepair Shop for Su-am Eugines, KiewMKK OenMiHa, W*ter Wbeels. Wmd Mills, etc. Maehinee tor th« Clraaing of Coffec. Caator Oih, Eewna, iUmie, Sisal, Pineapple Leares X otber Fibro«js PUnta, And Pap«r Stock AUo M*chinewtor Eitmcti-;g Starch Inm ihe Manioe, Arrow Boot, ctc. 53T AU Order» promptiy attended to. WHITE, RITMAN « CO.