Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Tbe fullowing pa8sengers arrĪTed in ihe city yeeterday. Fn>m Kanai,—Mrs. Beatti<j. Mrs. Wharton, A M Sproull, Mis? Hinea. F M Wakefi«ld, A Lindsaj, |fiss M Weder. From Maui,—0 Unna. Mra. L Muller. Mi>. X Muekenaie, J 0 Neil. D Cent-r. W H C >rnweil, L I" H«gbes. K V<m T*mpskv, wife aiul ia:.tnt, Mi?8 Wodehouse, H \Varren, J Cunningham, Netth, L Kikou. J J William*, Lam Cook. Lee Long, Wung Cbee. Fr »m Molukai, — Dr. (Joto. H Von Gieseo, J F Brown, Isaac Cockett. The st«amers, Clandine for Mtui and Hawaii, Iwtl«ni and • Mikahala for Ktuai ports. and tbe Kaula f»r |>orts on Othn, are up to leave for their respective j»orts, to-morrow. “ What a sort of girl is she?" “Oh. she is a miss witb a mission.” “Ah! n “Aml her mission is seeking a man with a mansion.” — Tii Bits.