Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


HOKA! The fence-climbers are bearinc frait. Ohf w.is it an absnrd rumor? De.ir! Dear!! % The P. G. Band. at £mtna S»iaare tui.s eveuing. The Hiwaiiau National 6and plavs at the Hawaiian HoteI this eAeuiug. As we go to press, the steamer China frum the Orient en ioute to San Francisco. is renorted otf Waiauae. _ It is txj>ected. that about three thous.ind persons will be present at tbe Concert to be giveu bv the Hawaiian National Baud, this eveniug. About twenty five people vrere seated ou tbo benches in the Hotel gronuds last Saturday eveuīng listeuing to tbe raosic by the P. G. Band. The new Hawaiian Repnblican flag designed by brother Hatch, wil) be known iu heraldry as “one haiiaua rarapant and aple raangoes.” -All iudicative ofxmr tropical fruits and tho inelinations of our revolutionists. Roar-Adrairal J. S. Skerrett, accompanied by Captaiu Barker of the U. S. F. S. Philadelphia, Cominander Nelson of the U. S. S. Adams,and Lientenants Wilson aud Fox, culled on United States Miuister Willis this forenoon.