Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Funny Salutes. [ARTICLE]

Funny Salutes.

Not only in Honoluln aud Rio Janeiro has the U. S. Nany fired ofi its guns in methcds iueomprehensible to well established codes of interuationaI etiquette, but the following clipped from an exchange, shows that otber U. S. ofticers have blundered. The I nited States gunboat CoAcord, Commauder C.F. Goodrich, arrived at Pennang on the 19tl» nlt . and not kuowing that that port was uot a saluting station, fired a salute. The C<wieoni is a vessel of 690 tons and of 3,400 horse-power. and cairies 6 guns and 19*2 men. According to the Pmnang Gazeāe she left for Singapore the 8'tine night.