Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICE. . The undersigneil has received (rom the Eii-Uem States The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever importetl to the I.slands. ItconcluJes a< follo«-; Clotb, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cushious. [by Block, patent]; I>illiHrd B;ills, Composition and Ivoiy; Pool. “ “ “ Tips. Cbalk; Pocket C«stings with leathers, and tringe complete; Pooket nettings. fringe and leathers; Rubber cbvers; Court Plaster. green and black: New stvle ehalk holders; Triangies; Shake baiis and leather bottle>. Pool pins; Markers, etc.. etc. The above go> ds have been pnrchased at reduced rat« and the nndersigued is now prepared to do any aiul al: kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new and secoi hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply 10 J. P. EOWEN, Perrv Block, Hotel St. Honoinlu A YAST PROJE( T C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Ample OpportEHity foc ALL. Owing to onr constantlv increasing bosiness and tl:o great demand of an appreciatiug community, we have eoncluded to offer an opportanity to all parties having capital. Our LINE of SCHOONEKS may be seen gluling over the BAR filled to tbeir utmost carrying capacity with eleai . eool and invigoratiug fred |^rt urg j LASER EEEE At the “Anchor Saloon.” • To accommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, ve have built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. 'T-b.e fcfc^xxclxox,” Is the only plaee wbere a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on d*raught ean be had in Houolulu. Step forwurd gentlemen, NOW S the Time. oell 3in

A Born Lawyer. One of Colon?l “Bob” Ineer3oirs stories is th.»t he found hiir«elf ah ne in theofficeone day, whileas a young man, he was studying law with a firm out \Vest. He was interrjpted by the entrance of a raw» boned, sharn-featured country wonaan, who amb!ed into the room Ieading a freckled-faced, wateryeyed. ten ye ir-o!d boy by the hand. “Air you the lawyer ? ! ’ she began. On beiug answered in the affirmative she went on to say that she had brought her boy Jim to town for the purposeof binding him out at the “ Iawyeriu’ trade”. She w»s mjrally certain, she averretl, that Jim was a l>orn lawyer, and that all he needed was a ehauee. “But, madam,” objected the Oolonel, “he is entirely too young t> l egin the study of law.” “Too young, indeed.” sniffed the f m l mother, contemptuously;“ you know Jim. He wae born for a Iawyer.” Mueh amused, the Oulonel asked her on what grounds she based her hopes of a futnre at the Bar for her darling child. “Why, ’ said 9he. u when he was o ily aeven years o!d he struck work, and he wouldn’t do another liek fhegot killed for it. When he was eight he got sassy. and j>ut on niore airs thap a prize horse at a country fair; and now. Lor’ bless me, be jest ireezes onto everything be ean Iay hu hanis oa.”— Tit BiU.

MORTGAGEES NOTICE OE FOK ECLOSUKE. In aeeonlanee witn the provision* o? a certain Mortgage, ina<Ie l»y Kameehonna of Weluk», Hilo, Hawaii to \ri Hing date<l Julv 7th, 1890. reconle«i ia Liber r.rt, p»ge 1ō7; n*>tice )?• h»reb'» given that the Murtgage inten<b t« forecIo<>e thesvme for con>Jitions br>>».eu towit:theron payinent of Prim i d and Intere?. when ilueN> tice '8 Iikewi9euiven that aftcr *he expirat 5 onof thrve weeke from ti»e «iate of this noliee the prop«rty conv»ye»l by said Mortgage will be adverti8ed for sale at Pnb>ic Aueiion. at the aactma roonia of J F Morgan.it Honolnlo. on Monday the 20tb dav of Novemb«r, 18 u >, at 12 nōon, of aaid day. Fnrther particalar> ean be ha Wil ia>n C Aehi, Attorney at I-aw. Dated Honolnln. Octobēr 25tb, AH HING. Morttr The preinise9. covered by «aid dk rtgage, eommU of: 12 acres sitnate<l at Ile'oka, Hdo, HaAraii. aad deecribed in Hoyal P*- t nnniber 1032 in the name ■ f K« -<» piialii. oct. i'<*- !w «*i !• 1 “FAT B0Y.” 6AY 8AL00N ! P. M< IXF.RN V, Froprictok, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cos.vrR Brrnrj, asd Hono. 9r-. iw. S. LUCE n "Wine and Spirit Merchant eamphell Fire-proof Bloek, MERCHA5T ST. HONOLULU