Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 November 1893 — Astor as a Journalist. [ARTICLE]

Astor as a Journalist.

V\ illiam W aldorf Astor’s English magazine has scored a triumph by driviug a quaek eoucern, whieh was doiug a Uourishiug trade, out of business. If Astor follows up his success by esposing sorae of the political jobs whieh seem to be as prolific in England as in this countiy. he will deseno the gratitude of Englishmen and Americaus, particularly the latter. who are heartily tired of the Pecksniffian assuraption of writers for the English press and of Euglish books, that their countryraen are exceptionally houest and ditier in that particular from the rest of the world. lf the Pall ilall Ga:ette wishes to accomplish this result it has on!y to work ont tbe detads of the broad charge made by Sir Charles Dilke and others, that the funds voted for railitaxy pnrposes b\ T the Euglish House of Coramons ai'e squandered and stolen. These al!egations heretofore have usuall\ r appeared in reviews, whieh are only read by the learued. Let them be repeated in a populai' magazine and Great Britain will be stirred from center to circumference. —.S’. F. i’hnmiele.