Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Board of Healtb. held a meeting to-day. fhe Ciandine tookeight visitors to Hilo vesterdav, who are en ronte to the Volcano. Wonder how nineh water was i ret5»ined in the Nnnann reserroirs after Iast night s rain. ■■■■ A heavy thnnder storm aeeompanied with wiud and rain, passed over the citv last night. i . I The F. G. Bancl played on the Palaee gronnd, this raorning. | Tbat’s right Berger, cheer thera up. — It was very throughtful of an afternoon paper, to annoauee to the puhlie, why Mr. Potter did not appear iu uniforra yesterday. Ilev. Howland will hold his last senico on Thursday eyeuing the 9th iust. at 7:30 p. ra. at the Arh)n Hall. Everybody weleome. Why the Staa - shoukl attack Paymaster J C Sullivan in tbe niHnner it does is beyoud eomprehension. But—then, it is the character of that sheei to vilify. A spar buoy was sighted from the stearaer W. G. HalllastMouday otl Hawaii. The steamer was stopped, and the bnoy pieked up, and bronght to town. About 25 fathoms of ehain was attached to it. A ehmauiau apparently with the iutention of committing suicide, jumped from a shore Vioat at theboat landing, into the water this forenoon. He was rescued from his watery grave, b}- a boat boy and water polieeman Pattersou. W e understand that tbo voung ladv who wrote the poem published in last eveniug’s Star,— “The Navy in Verso”—poured out her soul to such an extent, that she has hael a fit. She prohably will never more write anv such lines. The gentleman of Scottish birth. refered to iu this morning’s Tiser, was probably so disgusted with the rausic of the P. G. Band, that he resorted to the sweet strains of the bagpipe for consolation. He is evidontlv a judge of g»xxl music. Cunniugham in the Anchor has got an invoice of the celebrate l cherries with whieh he flavors his high-classed cocktails. A lot of fine oysters for cocktails has aI?o arrived, aod as there is an “R” in tbe month, it is the proj>er time to ind i!ge in straight tobasco-sauce, with some bi-walves in it. Complaint has reached us of the mauuer in whieh water polieoman Patterson handled the ehinaman he helped rescue this morning. The Chinamau was sittiugjjuietlv in the Hoat with Patterson ho!ding hira bv the back of his shirt coIiar, when Pattereon (presnmably to show otT before tbose standing on the wharf) deliberately struck the Cbinaman on the arm with his baton. Such actiou was brutal aud unealleu for.