Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£nsurancr |loticr$. Ri )YAL 1NSURANCE C(). OF LIVERPOOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1892, ■ $42,432,174.00 Fire Kisks ou all kiiui» of lnsurance 1 ropi rty taken at Current llates by .1. S- AVALKER. A'-ront for Hawaiian lslamls. Fire, I*ife & Marine -hIMSURAMCE<~ Nartford Fire Insnran.ce Co., Assets, s7.109,825.49 London •Sz Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.. A>>'t>. 8*4.317,052.00 Thames & Merse3 r Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $0,124.057 00 New York Life Ins. Co.. Assets, .8137.499,198.99 C. O. HEK(iEH, General Acfent t«.>r Hawanan IM:tnds, Honolulu, H. I. (-[, E, $ IMPOKTERS AND DEALERSIX 6roceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT a- KlXO STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED By everv Packet frora the EasternStates and Europe. Fresh Caiiforuia Produce by every steamer. All Orders faithfully attemled to, and Goo<ls delivered to anv part .<f the Citv—Free of Charge. Island Orders so!icited. SatisGction guarauteed. Post Office Box No. 14ō. Ielephonk N". •*-. GRāND OPENING OF THE Sew Furniture 8tore ! Robinson Block. Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St. FTJRNITURE, UPHŪLSTERY & CABINET MAKING OX HAND AS EXTE5sIVE As-ORTMENT OF Wicker AVare, Antiaiie Oak I3eclr*oom Snits, ChiftonieiAs, Sideboarcls, etc. Wardrobes, Nlattrasses, Pillows, Etc., made to order. No Second Hand or Damaged 6oods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robiason Bluok, Hotel St. , oppo. Bethel SL