Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 46, 10 November 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold onrselves responsible for the opinions or the atterauces of our correspondents.] Euttok Holompa:— The followmg lines interpret the hlowhard proclivities of the annexation clnb’s professional “ howler " so well that we fond!y dedicate them to him. “I'm a desert hyena, 1 am, And dwell in the sandy Sondan; I ean angnr and shoot. and the Britishers loot, From Beersheba clear into Dan. Whoop! I have ostrich on toast every day, I eat one at a meal by the way; I like crocodile stew, with a jackal or two, Just£to eat for dessert, as they say. I'm the twelve-fingered Mafadi, I am, And I’m King of the Sandy Sondan; I'm a Uilless baboon and a roaring aimoon; I ean wallnp the British, I ean■ I have men by the million or more, And eonenhinea, t«o, by the score; I'm a son of a gnn from the land of the snn, Fm a red-handed Arab fore gore. Then, whoop! for Ihe sandy Sondan, Let any one atop me who ean; rmacrooked-eyed, bow-legge l son-of-a-gun, I‘m for gore-I'm a very bad man. Wh'Kip!’’ San Drar.o.