Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 46, 10 November 1893 — The Finances. [ARTICLE]

The Finances.

The Weekly Einaneial Statemont was presented to the Councils, yesterday. No change has been made in the ‘ ‘ Xet In'.lehte>.hie**" item, whieh is now $3,391,616.95. By the way. what is ihe amount of the “6BOSS IXDEBTEI)XESS,” aud what items and araounts constitute the “tare?” Tlie “Tax-payers” would like to know that. Since the 5th. July the *‘Net Indebtedness’' hasbeen increased by $111.790.55. No mention is raade of what the receipts at the Postal Sirvings Bank were during last week. In fact the last item of receipts frora that source was announced in the statement of October llth. But as there is not any change in the item “Due Postal ings Bank and P. M. G. Notes,” from the amonnt as stated last week, we are led to presume that there have not been any receipts from that sonrce. If the Postal Savings Bank is to be conducted as a separate institntion, the weekly amonnts of the receipts and paymenis shonld bc included under a separate head, in the Weekly Pinaneial Statemeuts frora the Einanee Office.