Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRAL1A. anotber Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILANO EXTRfl PALE LflGER Also, a Fp.esh Ixvoice of California Ovsters 0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE. Proprietor. mi ARRIVED, 3 S J u U Baty Carriages OF ALL STYI.ES, fyigg, N|at$ IX TIIE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD” Se\vin<r Machines Haxd Sewixg Machines, All Witb the Lafest Improvetnents”^53 PAPvLOR Or"ans, Guitars, w i And Other Mnsioal Instrnments. \\'ines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS OX HAXD, AXD FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHUEGEE i 00. King St.. oppo. Castle Jt Cooke’s. HO YEN KEE & 00. Tinsmiths antl dealers in Crockerv ware, Glassware, etc. Water Pipes Laid andRepaired, Plnmhinp Xe«tly Executed. No. 41 Nunanu St., between Kin<: and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. WIN6 WO TAI & Co„ Xo. 214 Xuusnn Street, COMMlSSIOX MERCHANTS. I !uporters and Dealers in MERCHAXDIS£. Fiue Manila Cigars, Chiuese and Japanese Crock*nware. Mattings. Tases of all kinds. Camphorwr»od Tnmks, Rattan Chairs. a Fine Assortuent of I)ress Silks, Best Brands of Chinese aud Japaneso Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Goods Respectfullv Solicited. Mutnal Tel. 266, P. O. Box 158.