Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

; ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1S(>3. Pioneer Steam Gandy Factory ī | | BYIv K R Y amd | Ice Cream Parlors! F. HORN, Pboprietor.* PRACTICAL ['onWiom i OniamenlēP I In all branches of the business on these islands. AMERICAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH and GERMAN PASTBIES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAK.ES Made of tbe verv best material, unsurpassed in richness of quality and oruamented in nnapproachable stvle, at lower prices than any other estabhshment iu Honolulu. Pamili) \ Fancij Bread, Guava Jelly, Presened Tamarinds and Tamarind S\ rup. ALL CONFECTIONERY Mannfactured at ray Establishment are Guaranteed t> bo PosmvF.i.v Pube and sold at prices no other establisbment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Sti;eet, Between Nuuanu and Fort Stx-eets BOTH TELEPHONES No. 74. Reward. A Postal Savings Bank Book No. 465 has heen lost at my residence during this month. Who ever finds it and returns same at my residence at Heeia. Koolaupoko, Oahn. or at the law office of Jas. K. Kaulia, in Honolulu, wiil receive a reward. Mr.s. Mikala Kaulia. Honolulu, Oct. *23. 1893. oct*23 Im LEWIS & C0., * YArhoiesa!e and Retail Grocers i AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH GALIFORNIA SALM0N T ONIGE By Evcry San Francisco Stcamer. I Salt Salmon in Bap.eels a Specialtv. iii Fort St. , Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P. O. Box 29y. NEAV I EuPopean ī^e^taorant, ; No. 509 Hotel Street, Ste»k. Ham & Eggs for 2ō cts. ; Bo»rding $4;50 per week, or 21 Meal T ckets r or $4:50. FowI tbree times a week, cooking on first c!aa» stvle. Meals aF ali i j hoors. CHOCK SING, 1 oct26 Im Froprietor. *