Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — OPIUM. [ARTICLE]


200 tins of opiuai, we are infonned, were landed from the Aastralia last week. By tlie way since the P. A. is writing about opium couldn’t it explain a little about the transforraation of opium into bricks, straw ect., etc., whieh took phiee while those lights of the reform party, Soper and Tuiril! were respectively Marshal aud Port Surveyor, we shonld also like to hear somothing about the dope brought down by the “holy” ship whieh carried the five greatcomraissioners to the United Stat«s? Whv not tell us everything Mr. Advertiser man, while yon are about it instead of onlv rememberins instances “6utside” of the Reforra Party.