Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ESTABLISHED A. D. Pioneer Steam Candy Factor BAKERY am Ice Cream Park F. HOKN, Pkopkieiop.. PRACTICAL ConfectioDer I Onmnei In all branches of the bnsincss 01 these islands. AMEKICAN. FRENCH, E LISH axd OEKMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORI Wedding and BirthCAK.ES Made of tbe verv best matt nnsurpassed iu richness of q ty and ornamented in nnapprc able style. at lower prices any other establishment in nolulu. Family \ FanciJ Bi Guava Jelly, Preserved Tamarind and Tamariud Svn ALL C0NFECTI0NE Mannfactnred at ray Esta lishment are Gnaranteed to be Posit] Pup.e and sold at prices other establishment c.**i compete with. FACTORY & STO No. 71 Hotel Stp.eet, Between Nnnannaml Fort Sl BOTH TELEPHOXES No. 74 Eeward. A Postal Savings Bank 1 No. 4(55 has been lost at my dence dnring this month. ever finds it and returns san my residence at Heeia. Ko« poko, Oahn. or at the law < of Jas. K. Kaulia, in Hono will receive a reward. Mrs. Mikala Kacl Honoluhi, Oct. 23, 1893. oct23 Im LEWIS A C0., holesale and Retail Gro AXD PROVISION DEALERt: FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N 0 Pt Every San Francisco Steamei S.vlt Salmox IX Bap.rels a Specialtt, iii Fort Si., Honoluhi. Tel. P. O. Box 2gj.