Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[ W 6 do uot holil ourselvcs respoitsiblti for th.i opinī.>ns or Uie utterauces of our oorrespoudent*.] Ei>itok Holomua: lu ltK>kfiig over tl»e Adver* tiser this rnorning, I soe that a eommittee of the so-called Araer- | iean League ealieil upon Miuister Willis. but no n.-unen are given <>f said coraraittee. Now there mus{ soruethiug wrong when they are afraid to give the names of tbe gentleraen who represeuted the Aniei'iean Lcagne. If thoy were irne citizens of that groat countrv they wouhl not be afraid to allow reporters at their meetings or the names of th« nieaib- rs to eouie before the publie. More especially at this time knowing. «s they do. how they have dragge.l the uame of our couutry into the gutter by their BO-c«lled patriotism. But «s the faraous Dr. Johnsou says. “Patriotisiu is only auother uame for a traitor.” Amekk an Citizex. . P.S.—1 uuderstaud that at a meeting of the saivl league one of the gent)emen present stated that ! if «ny of the Amcrican citizens ‘ had lost the brogae they would j plea.se retire from the hall.