Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — RESTORATION. [ARTICLE]


In the Auddand fX. Z.) Herald oi Nov. 4th appears the following U-legram from the Associated Pres.-, Burean iu Washington, late*l November 2: “Pre-i'lent CIerelaod is draftiug a message j to Congress in favor of restoring i the monarchv in Hawaii.' This 1 telegram >eems to cause the aunexationists a great deal of worrv altboogh we thought that they bv th[s time woold have l»een I prepared fur snch a message. The Ailvertiser is raaking a slight mistake when it states that • President Cleveland ean act in Hawaiian rnatters onlv bv authority of Congress". There is uothing before Congress iu regard to Hawaii and the undoing of Mr. J. L. Stevens' nnlawful actions here is sitnplv an administrative matter. T!ie Advertiser has a wonderful lot to learn yet in regard to internationul politics and diph>macv.