Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The steamer W. G. Hall brougbt tbe following ]>assengers; From the Volcano— Genl Hoggs, A D Shepanl and J S Broomhead. From wav port.s—F S Dodge, W P Feunell, Rt Rev Bishop Willis, Henr<" Martin, T K R Amalu, Col S Norris, L A Choy, T Akana. wife and two children Miss L Kahoalii. 5576 bags sogar, 100 bags coffoe. 216 bags awa, 2S head of cattle. 1 horse, 33 bnudles hides. and 7ō |>kgs. sundries, was the W G flall's freight this trip. Ministerand Mn». WiPis, Count and C >unte?s Festetica de ToIna, Mr. a id Mrs. Pau' Neumann, Mr. and Mrs. Samuei Damon were entertained at a dinner on board the l. S. F. S Phil.idelphin irgt ev*ning.