Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 55, 21 November 1893 — Electricity For Balloons. [ARTICLE]

Electricity For Balloons.

A halloon capabl« of seating 10 pen*on« is to be navigated al the Frankfnrt Exh;bition. and ia to d«*naoD3trate the applicat«on of electricitv to aerial navigation. The pulley cnntrolling the ascent and d**scent will be operated by an electric motor, and telephon : c eommanications wil! be poeaihle at all heights, so that in future an aeronaut may r*port the movementā ot an enemy at great di0tanc©s. Experiments are to he maeie witb a view to steering tbe halloon by electricilv, and charging with elee* trically prepared water.