Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — Curious But Poor. [ARTICLE]

Curious But Poor.

A Star reportor ealleel at the office of the registrar of conveyances to-day for the purpose of takin<j an extract from the books in i - eference to the mortira}ie i•• “ p whieh is sapposed to exi* on soine of the property of Her Majesty the Queeu. The registar mIio evidently recoguize tlio vast importanco with whieh tlie Star men believe tliat they areclothed, refused to allow hi> books to be copied until the usual fee ($3.50) had been paid. 'ihe St.ir man immediately colIap$ed by hearingof sui‘h a demand for hardcash,and pocketing his curiositv disap> peaml after having thrown out some dire hints about to the ministers. AA e uow expect to see the Miuister of interior make new aud special rules suitable to tbe desires of the Star ai d its prv ing reporters.