Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 58, 24 November 1893 — THE FRENCH PACIFIC CABLE. [ARTICLE]


1 n response to representations frjra Mr. Pattorson. Lord Ripon, Seoretary of Stute for tbo Colo- ! nios, has addressed a circular ; ietter to the eolonial govemments ! condemning the action of the i eostern colonies respeoting the ; Now Caledonia cable. He stato> that Her Majesty s Government cannot bnt view with recret the actiou taken by the Goveruments of Qneensland and N'ew Soutb Wales, as it iraplies a departure from the principles with regard to eolonial cohesion and the eousideration of Imperial interests, to whieh prominence was given in the discussions of the Oolouial Conference of 1887. They sh-»re the views expressed bv the Yictorian Government that ineonvonience. loss, and, indeed, danger, to both eolonial aud lmperial interests, might arise in time of war if the Pacific cablo passe»l through New Caledouia. In reply to this rebuke, Sir George Dibbs said that the Imuerial authorities seemed to forget that the Eastern Extension service ran halfover the globe, and through a tr-mendous lot of fureign territory. He agreed with the views of the Ilome Govefnment, and heid firmly that a seperate line passing tarough English or prutected terntory was absolutely necessary. He had discussed with Mr. Mackenzie Euwell the need for a new cable to€anada, and he believed something would eome of the matter. The New CaIedonia hne would wake the British Government up to the necessity of constructing a seperate eahle to Vancouvt-r. via New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, and Honolulu. Bisdaberg, Monday. The final splice of the oahle was made yesterday, and the Francois Arago has returned to Bundaberg to land the surplus cableand renew her stores. She goes to Brisbane or Sydney to be docktd prior to visiting Noumea for cargo. M. Ronil! »rd and the principal officers of | the expedition return to France by I this month’s mail steamer. Bbisbaxe, Thurstlay. A letter has been addressed by Mr. M‘K.enzie Bowell, the Canadian Minister of Trade, the Premiers of the eolonies enclosing a communication from Mr. Sandford Fleming. one of the directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company on the cable question, aud asking if the Australian G<»vornments will send representatives to a conference to be held at some ceutral position in the colonies to consider the >ubject before Mr. Bowell’s departure.