Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 November 1893 — The Maui Annexation Club. [ARTICLE]

The Maui Annexation Club.

A correspomleut in the Ai.lvertiser attempts to explain tho reasons why SheritTChillingworth dischargecl H. H. Plemmer, because the latter in a speech at the meeti:ig of the club of whieh he is a ioember advocated the civil rigbts of the Hawaiiaoa. W e are simplv confirmed then in our reasons for criticising Mr. ChiIlingworth acting for the P. t». iu their policy towards the Hawaiian people with whom we are told. they have no quarrtl. We shall always be pleased to hear from the Annexation Club on Mmi—and so will the Chinaman with the bill for the grub »»t the 4th of July ball. Dv the way couldn t somebody inform ns if that good and virtuous Hawaiian John W. Kvlua is .s/<7/ a fanatic aunexationist or if tbe Gresham letter has somewhat cooled his ardor.