Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — Does Not Thmk Force Will be Necessaiy. [ARTICLE]

Does Not Thmk Force Will be Necessaiy.

Washington, Nov. 10. —The Pn-sident has no iiea that f"rc*of arms will be necc-sarv to nndo the great wrong done to Hawai:. Had te autioipated such a course, instead of two Amcrican ~seis in the harbor of Honolnlo there wouhl be a half a dozen. There have boen no pieparations for such an emerceucv bevond j the detail of a new eomm mder. Th is was doue because it was known tbat Adrair.tl Skerrett and hīs family had maje sacial tie> with tbe members of the P. G whieh might have int Tfer d with a hearty co-operation betwcen ! tbe naval and diploma ic representatives in carrying out the will of the President. Presideut Cleveland dues not anticipate that it will be necessarv to even land marines. If it should, Admiral Irwiu is well informed what he is expected to i do. Marines, if nocessarv. will j be landed to protect American 1 interests. This alone, the administration confidently expects, i will be sutficient to provent bloodshed and to preserve 0'der.