Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA. another luvoice oFthe celebrated JOHN WEILAND EXTRft PftLE LftGER Also, a Fresh Invoics of CaIifornia Oysters FOK ŪYSTER COCKTftlLS L. H. DEE. Proprietor. E8TABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY and lUE F. HORN, Pbopbietor. PRACTICAL ('oiili'iliiiM'i' 4 (liiiiiiiinilii' lu all hrauches of the business on these islands. AMEPIOAN, FKENCH, ENGL1SH axd pEEMAN PASTE1ES MADE TO OEDER. Weddii]g Birth-daiJ Made of the very best matevi»l, unsurpiissed in richness of ipiali ty nnd ornamented in nn.ippit»nchnble style. at lower prices than anv other establishment in Honolulu. Family Ei^eael, Guava Jelly. Preser\ed Taniarinds and Tamariud Syrnp. flLLCONFECTIONERY Mauufactured at my Est iblishment are Guaranteed t"> be P>)SITIVF.LY *Pn;F. nnd sold at prices no o:her establishment eau eompeie \vith. FACTORY & STORE, No. “1 HoTEL STBFr,T. Between Non«nn«ndF*»rt Streets BOTH TELEFHOShf* No. 74. WING WO TA! &. Co.. No. iI4 Kuu.mn Stre«;, COMMlSSlON MERCHASTS. fmp<)rt«?rs and Dr*i«rs in G A’.V’ I. MKIU 7/ AXD IS£. Fine Mnnila Ci"ars, Chinese and J ,pmese Crock’ty w ire. M«tt:nps. V. t ses of nll kind' Camphorwood Trnnks. Ratt«n Ch«irs. h Fine Ass* s rtrjent of I>ress Siiks. Best Brands of Cbii ese iu>«1 Jap meso Te-ts of Late«i lmport itions. lnsj*eotiou •»f New Goods Be-si>e<-tfullv Solicited. MutualTel. 266. P O. Box 15S.