Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


How about tbe ‘ Ra>cals" Mr. Stellar SmitL' Do not forget the Minstrel? to,morro>v evening. Panahon boys are the ehampi *ns in football. The eehi o’. childr-n were happy to-dav. No eehool. . I Who is the ne\t P. G. that will be caught selling opium. How mai.v turkeys met the '‘ofiicial beadsman” yesterday. Wonder if H. B. M. S. ‘*rioval Arthur" iā on her wa>- to this port? Elegant dinners were sened at the Hawaiiau Hotel and at Sans Souci last uight. Hon. H. A. W idemann has returned to town after a short visit to W'aiunae. The C. A. S. S. Arawa is due to-morrow from the Colonies, en route to Vancouver. The coffer-dam has been taken alongside the Miowera,and isready to be jdaced in position. Poor Philadelphia. Poor Adams. Look out for the bloodthirsty Attornev-General. W hen the “war” starts, W'. O. Smith will ba out of sight or in ehurch praying for victory. Tbe O. S. S. Australia is due to-piorrow from San Francisco. Four days later news may be expected. Judge Makahalupa of Ewa has tendered his resignation. He doesnt agree with Castle’s plautation. The Pacifics will play the Honolulns, a game of football tomorrow afternoon nt the baseball grounds. The Japanese \Var sbip Naniwa from Japan and the British war vessel Nymphe from San Franciseo, are fifteen duyp out to-day. lt is rumored that Mr. P. C. Jones will leave for W ashington on the Mariposa. Look out now Cleveland for tbat impeaehmeni. It is said, that John Emmelulh, plumber and member of the p. g. advisory eouueil, was buey last evening distnbuting guns to the re?idents ou Ponchb,)wl. For Christmas Presents eall on Tboraas Lindsay the jeweller on Fort Street. He has got the finest assortment in Honolulu, aml his prices are very reasonable. The Pnnahons beat the Paeifies in the football game yesterday. The seore stood P2 to 4. A Iargo uumber of |>eople witnessed tbe game and Uie band was in atteu^auce. Our attention is ca!led to that i the hide$ whieh W aterhouse i sold to McChesney ; and to whieh we made a reference yesterdav, were not weighed on Mr. Porter’s scale, but on the scale j of Mr. Agnenra. #