Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUGE & A. J. GARTWRIGHT Business of a KiJuciary Nature Tr*nsacted. Prompt attention given to the tnunagemeDt of Estates, Guar;ianships. Trnsts, etc., etc., etc. Ofp.ce*, : Caritcright Buildtng^ Merchant Street, Hoholulu. W. S. LUCE 5 5 3 • • 4 AVine and Spirit Merchant Cavip!jdl Fire-proof Block, MEEOHAM ST. HONOLULU c.T. vkwxw MERCH4NT TfilL0R, 324 Nunanu Street _V1I Suits Ouaraiiteecl To Fit anel in the Late>t Style. Clothes Cleaned anel Repaired. nc!7 NJlIHIFSHOSHfi. JUST KECEIVEDfrom JAPAN Several Kincljot' Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in clifterent qualities. of po^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Corios suitable for Ciiristnias Goods. 411 KIN'O STKEET, Honoluln. Telephones, !>*■!! 474. P.O. Box .'ISC. Mulnal 544. n»I3 Im CITY MEfiT MARKET Oppo. Queen Emma Hall. Establisbed 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILYSāBUTCHER Maker o f the Celehrated ■Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Trv Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City anel Suburbs. Mutnal Telephone Number 289. LEWI8 C0„ Whoiesale and Retaii Grocers PBOTISION DEALERS. FRESfl CAUF0RNU 5ALM0N ONICE Bt Ev«t S*n Frr.aci«co Steamer. Salt Saemov ix Babbels a Specialtt. III Forl St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. *