Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — A Royalist Ram ! [ARTICLE]

A Royalist Ram !

The Iieverend (?) Sereno was out 6iirveying the other day. He wanted the meets :»nd boundaries of some tiro patches on whieh he presumably desired to lend some money. Ashis head is getting weak aml the remuants of his brams wi!l m»*lt ifexposed to the sun, he hireda kanaka to carry an uir hr t lla ov»-r him to protect him fr>m the ays of the sun as well as frora the odium ot the Loya?ists. • Grasing around the taro-pitches was a weli-developed ram-evident-ly w ith ri*yalist teudenc es. Seeing that Fatiier Bis. was taking in a litt!e t*x) mueh land from tl • nefghb'oring kanaka the ram made a r’ght roy,d attack and landed its horns on tbe principal part of the i-everend snrveyor(his resting piilows) with the effect that the joornalistic sarveyor capsized j with an oath, the kanaka with the nmhnella and the ram with j a jnmp into the taro-patch. And still the Friend comes out—and so did the ram—ont of the mnj.