Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

jfusuranrf &otiff$. FīRE & MARINE Thk Uxpersiuned is authorized to take Fire and Mariue Risks on - / I *uildiugs 9 Merchandise. Car<roes, FVeierlits and Commissions, a t, Cun -nt Rates in the Companies, viz; Hoijal Jnsur tnce Co - - Liverpool .Ulionoe . lssurance Fire Marine, - Lonāon Wiihelma of Madgeburg Gcn’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .J. S. WALKEU, A' r ent for Hawaiian Tslands Tf.lei*hoses ; Bell 351 _ Muiual 117. Eepipenoe : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, 0* mm m ■ 2 '•<J> I i 4 ti ctor M Suiider i 'sstima,lcs Ciiven ou .A.11 Jvinds OF aiUH A »Ē« PiĒS BQUMSGS AU K::-ds o: Jotbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KKKP8 F()R SALE: p. iok, 1 iiue, CViuent, Iron Stone Piue aml Fittings, OKl «V N*i\v C rrnt;:4tod 4ron. Miuton Pilea, iv’,‘ i'i i 1 '. ;it=soite(l sxn<l Cdif'»rui>i ned Montcrey Sand, Grauite Cutl'ing anu Bl<»elvH, etc., eto. tCorn£r Kirg <ft Smith Sts. CFFICE YARD: Office Hours. Sto 12 M., ( i t(T4 P. M. h! A \ AS TPROJECT OTiSĪ i:SE ■)r !CI!ŪOSEEī-itifle Odh«ī Icr tU )\ving to onr e >ustantly incre;is.ng l5asiness an.l the deo>an«l of an ap''reeiating comiouuity, we hnve eon1 to orier an or»pert'inity to all parties having capitaL • INE of SCHOONERS mav be seen gliding over the fi!levi to their utmost carrying capacity with eiear, . ) i>< ,-ur. \e.i t eool aud invigor*tiug F,cd|,lck,b U , 9 | LA( j ER Bm At the “Anchor Saloon.” To aoeoimnodate onr Vast Fleet of Sehooners, we have b ii-t u fine large Refrigerator regardless of eost. ~-£u23.ciiox,~ fs H»e onlv plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg l‘.,«r on dr.iught ean be bad in Honolulu. Step forward geutlemen, NOW S the Time. ocl4 3m