Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — THE P. G. ARMY [ARTICLE]


The Patriotic “Amcricans to be Protected by Minister Willis. The Mfn P. €. Jone>* pray< For. We h.ive receive<l an anthentic l I list of the men who are enlistea j ; in the re£»nlar anny cf the Provisonal Cioverament. an<l wepnbli»h the iliflferent nationalities of the soliliers for the l pnrpose of slnwin" tbe Atnoriean |>eople who their compatriots are whose blood is to flow in the streets of Honolnln together with the “gore of the men from the war vessels, whieh carrv tho Stars aml Stripes and j obey the oniers of the chief e\e- | cutive of the great repul>lic. There are at present ‘250 men I in the array anJ they owe allegianee as follow: Gerraans 54 I Portn£»uese 4** 4 ■ Q.> i Amenenns - 1 Norwegians -< Ilntish Swedes 1 *_ Ital»ans 15 Rnssians \ i Danes 5 Rassian Fins 5 Polish Jews - Greeks - Dutch 1 i Xative Hawaiian 1 j Assorted (Don’t' know them selves lti 250 We ean add that onr informant fnrther states that the length of residence of the ubove rex>aikable assortment who take up arms in the defense of tbe Provisional Government, is as follows: 1 (a Hawaiian) has 1 ived bere 19 years. 3 have lived here.. .12 “ 2 “ ‘ “ 10 “ i) .* • < •• 5 “ 10 “ “ “ 2 “ i15 “ “ “ 1 year. 75 “ “ “ 11 months. 34 “ “ “ 8 10 “ “ '' 5 :1 4fl -‘ “ “ 2 “ 40 “ “ “ 1 month. 10 “ “ “ 2 weeks.