Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — HAWAII BELONGS TO THE HAWAIIANS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe adiiiinistraition at j ington has the unqn:»lifievl support .of tbis magaz : ue (The IllostrateJ Ameneau) in its course of eonduct in the Hawauan athiir. In acknowletlfring the tremendons wrong committed by es-Minister j Stevens, while acting a§ tbe nation’s, /Cpresentative at the Conrt of Qaeen Lilinokalani, President Clevelaud and his j Seoretarv of State have shown | splendid courago and refresbing ! disdain of buucombe. All the facts in the e ise proves Stevens’ behavior while Minister at Hono- ■, Inlu to have been prompted bv rank ignorance or complete dis- j regard of rigbt or decency. Stevens openly enconraged a | p >rtion of lbe Q«eeu s subjects in their prepar »tions for rebellion j a:ul promised thern everv possible material a>sist :nce. the moment thev fur:ished h;m witb the sbadow of aii excuse for such a step. To quoto from the dodnments of State iit the raatter, “the Provmional Government w.is recognized wLen it had little other than a paper existence. and when Uie legitimate Government was in fn!l possession and control of the Palaee, the Barracks and the Poliee Station. Mr. Steveus well kuown hostility and the tlireateniug pr. sence of t!ie forco lauded from tlie Boston were al! thut could liave then excited serions apprehension in the minds of the Queeu, her offieers and loyal snpporters.” lu repudiating snch outrageous impiulenee or shameful iguorance on the part of onr then Minister, the IJnited States Goverument has lloue that wliieh will bring it praise and houor from everv just and honest v»erson iu the civilized world. m . t—.