Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARRIVED, * 3 Baty Carriages 0F ALL STYLEā, fyigp, W|alp, IN TIIE LATEST I‘ATTLl:NS, “HOUSEHOLD’’ Se\vino- Machines H.v>d Se\ving Macuines, Cy*AU Witb the Lntest ImprovcmentsA»^3 PAELOH Onrans, Ouitars, And Other Musiinl Instmments. \Vincs, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS OX HANP. AND FOR SALE BY ED. nOFF8GHLiEGER & C0. King St.. oppo. C«»tle A Cooke’8. plalional Inon WopI^ Qceex Sti eet, Between Alakea >V Kiehanl St». THE UXr)EKSI(iNLD aie pepaiwl to make rU kinds of Iron Brass. Biwnzc, Zinc. Tiu aud Leml C*stings. A!so % General Rep.iir Shop for St> mn Engine», Rice R£1Ih, Corn Md!s, Water Wheek, V.‘ind MiUs, ete. MacLines for the Clenning »>f C>>ffee, Cast >r Oils, Beaus, Kumie, Si«al, Pineapple Leaves A other Fibrons Plant«, And Paper Stock A!s«. Alaohine» f««r Ejrra ting Starch fr.mt the Mauioe, Arr.«w Root, ele. AU Onlen» pron>ptlj nttended to. WHITE, RITMAN <ft CO. Long Brancli BATH I NG Establishment. This First-cl«ss Bathtng Resort has been enliirge*l an<l is now oj>eii to the pnhlie. It is the best piaee on tbe isli»n<ls to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for La<lies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy half honran<i on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteeu rainutes. O. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. WO CHAN & Co. I Merchant Tailor King street. Thom«8’ Block, uext door to Holomna office. I Ail Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and TS THE LATEST STTLE. { Clothes Cleaned and » ao27 Repaired.