Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

f— —I 1 {oyal Hawaiian Opera House ! L. J. Levey Lessee vl. L. M. Plankett, Muuager . i To-morrow Evenfng, December 7, 1893. f:rst appearance OF THE Misses Alhii Gmnd Opening Concert of tbe abore celebrated artists in ehoiee se! *t ons, inclading the Great i Dnet Fhn tbc OPĒHA ol' Nonoa in whieh these gifted Artisis I eause<i sach a great furore at the j Opera Huuse iu San Francisco, : befuro an audience of 3 ; 200 per- ! sons. Popnlar prices. Boi plan now I open Wednestlav moming at L. J. ‘ Levey's at 9 o’eloek. de4