Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — Our Fire Department. [ARTICLE]

Our Fire Department.

We were tr]J by the St;ir s-ime days ago that the new emj>lovees ofthe departraent were nuioh su perior to the nien who resigaed latelv because they wouIdn’t etand the ubitrtry iicthui S of the Board of (.’ )raraissionere. Ittheaction Tues duy iu"ght of the firemen is to be a S:tinj)le jf their efficiency we are inclined f > say *‘(ti)d ln lj> the town—»nd the under>vriters,” An alann was sent Tuesday night stating that there was fire in a house on Sraith f?treet. The ‘*department” turned out. we are told by an eye witness, and raade a sj)ectacle of themselves. An engine arrived at the plaee of the fire, but the hosecart ran astray and got lost somewhcre. Then the cart took a turable to itself and Ianded somewhere in the neighborhood of St. Andrews Cathedral w!iere there was no fire and here one of the hosetren took a tnrable and tumb!ed offtlie cart. In the meantime the fire got tired and e\tinguishe<l itself without ihe assistance of the dej)artment. but the irapression of the sj>ect.itors wss that a!though the fire laddie S mighl be very ornamental just now they are not quite as useful as thev used to be.