Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — STILL SPYING. [ARTICLE]


Of course as long a- the |>resent learnetl Attorney-General and the present pecnliar Marshal are in olliee, the system inaugurated by them iu ensploying all the loa£ers and bumiuers iu town, to act as spies nuder the niee title as “special odicers will not be abated. Tbe fear and laek of courage whieh apparently are the leading features iu the characters of the great officials mentioned make it necessary for them to plaee the town on a Russian basis, aiul have every private citizen who hasu’t sworn I allegiance to the P. G. watched, i and his movements reported. i A few nights ago ''ne of the marshaTs pets tvied to enter the premises of one of the ‘ sus pected” citizens—for the ptirpose of using the te!ephoue. Ho was prevented from doing so and evidently considered himself very moeh injured. A few nightsago, the premises of another “suspected’’ gentlernan had been entered during the mght and the intruder I had attempted to look into a bedroom occupied by a lady of the family of the “suspect’’ the evidenee of this attempt being proven i through foot prints (shoes number 19t in a box with violet plants placed under the window. Last night a geutleman (presumably also a suspect) living on the corner of Alapai and Kinau Streets was pleasantly (?) surprised bv fiuding two spies leaning over j his fence and evidently watching the proceedings iu his house, and making up a report for Mr. Hitchoock’s broakfast. We are not bloodthirsty and we don’t like to injure anyone, bnt if peaceful nnotiending citizens are to be hampered and »uuoyed in this manner, we suggest that they fill some cartridges with coarse salt. and whenever an impertinent intruder is caught prowling, give him a dose whieh if directed at the proper plaee will prevent the “sitting down" of the spy for some days tocome. Of course a man liko the shal, who acconliug to the Wundenberg trial. will deliberately eall on a “friend,’’ accept his hospitality, sraoke the “pipe cf peaee’’ under his friendiy roof, and theu go on the witness stand for the purpose of damning the man who befriended him

bv repeating or manaf*ctnring or at least exaggernting the eonversatioa beld nn ler allegeJ friendlv circnmstanees oannot be ; ! expected to act except us a ehiei o{ spies, of prowlers. and of all sorts of contemptible verrain. i — mm —^ mm