Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — A P. G. Fable. [ARTICLE]

A P. G. Fable.

A high P. G. official with one foot in h ; s Political Grave predicted the extiuction of the raonarchy. ‘“\Vhat makes you think so,” enquired the Polilieal Grave, cauti<>usly reaching upward a!ong the leg and exlending a new drift to undermine the other foot. ““It is my duty to think so,’ said the high muek-a-muek proudiy. “My good friend,” ?»id the Po!itieal Grave. taking in the otber leg and rising up about the neek. since your reas«n is at the 8*=rvice of your <entiraent3 and your judgement is tributary to your conscieixce, you d-n t appear to have «nueh use for brains. I'll t ike Ui «t head of yuars, pieaae.” The sp>t is sli'i pointed oat to Thurston tourist«.