Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not holel onrselves iesponsihle for the opiniona or the utteranoes of our correspondents.] Editor Holomua: hat a farcial exhibition the rebel leaders have made of themselves in attempting the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy! Now that they see their attempt has ended in an abnrtion, they have coraraenced to lie to snch an extent that the aeconuts eaeh give of the eommencement of the revolntion. prove to the world, that frora old Stevens downwanls. they are true descendents and iraitators of o!d Ananias himself. We are satisfied that bv this time the American pnblic recognize Thurston and Co, as lyiug importors and. in face of the evidence of his compatriots collected ( by minister Blount and whieh evidence is in possession of the Washington authorities. Thnrston and Co. stand before the world to-day branded as men who will lie to day, and eat their words tomorrow. Alas! Alas'! • why did Mr. Sanford B. Dole — the most over-rated man in existenee, —leave the Snpreme Bench to become a worse than Tammany poliiieian' Baz.

Emtob HoL03rra: That vicions. and viperons old slanderer of a defeuceless woman —theKev. S. E. Bishop—ha> the gall to say. that “a large proi portion of the citizeus (meaaing ‘ his kind) hold in their veins the biuod of Lexington and Gett\-s-burg"—whieh we consider the most damnable insnlt, that con!d bave been otfered to the men of those bloody battle fiekls. If it conld bave been possible, that there was a soldier on either of those battle fields. that had the contemptable meanness of a Sereno Bishop—he should have heen pierced with a hnndred bnllets, and his carcass let to tbe buzzards. We consider it sacrilege, and a mockerv of rcligion, for snch clmracters as the Kev. S. E. Bishop to get up and undert ke to preach the word of God. Au Revoik.