Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 70, 9 December 1893 — The Ball Set a Rolling. [ARTICLE]

The Ball Set a Rolling.

The three members of tbe Cabinet who are the obedient servants of the political organizations have started on the road, laid out for them by the Conncils last Thursday. Mr. Geo. Smithies the regisi trar of puhlie acconnts, has been dismissed, aud Messrs Carl Widemann and Palmer W oo<.ls have also received their walking papers. The geutlemen in qnestiou have been requested to remain iu office until their successors are appointed, and we beg to submit, ou behalf of the al citizens in Hawaii, that if they do so they are a lot of damned fool*. On Monday the game of weeding out will bcgin in tbe Interior office. Minister Damon opposed bis colleagues ia their aeliou of ,to day but evidently laeks the moral courage to liue np to bis principle and walk out with the clerks whom be so far has protected. It is believed that the minister’s private secretary Mr. Ashley will be appointed to the office formerly held by Mr. Smithies.