Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 December 1893 — Don't Worry About Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Don't Worry About Hawaii.

It was not on!y the President Harrison and Secretafk’ Foster who were deceived by Minister Stevens in his reports of his eonspirucy to se:ze the Sandwich lslands. whieh he representod iu the light of a popnlar revoIn- 1 tion. The puhlie was even more \ deceived, and the gra«fual a-vakening to the tmth was all the greater disappointment be- i cause it bronght with it a sense of shame. Many people have still clung to 1 the hope that in some vray th<* wrong wou!d right itsell, witb«ut any further eff rt on our part T<> these it is a fresh disap|M>int:u> al to ; li d that matters cannot be left i:i ; t e ioux>ssibIe situation in whieh F “ i>resent administration f«>ur<d j them and that the President has ; resolved boldly to set this countrv , r?ght oo the record and thus to reaffirm the establishecl American cloctriue of non-interveotion, whieh !ies at the basis of our Americin pdicy to protect the independence of every nalion on this continent or the islands adjacent. \\ ith those who do not stop to consider the importance -and signiheanee of this policy and its necessity to the preservation of Ameriean diplomat e inHuenee, the course of the adminigtration is not p«pular. It is just now the object of vio!ent attack. That was to have been expected. But it is none tho less right and for that reason it will b° approved as soon as it is reallv understood. Those who are howling the l«udest would have howleei ! just as louclly whatever this administration raight have done. Th« , great heart of the nation always I coraes out right in the end.—Philaāelphia Times.