Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — What They Say. [ARTICLE]

What They Say.

That it does not alwavs pav te11ing one'a secrets to one’s friendsr Dou‘t von think so, J. H. T.? | Th a t h e went to the wha r f yesterd-fy iu due season to weleome a partv whom he had reason to expeot, but who uever intended to arrive. How is that? Becan>e the well layed letter trick-plot succee<1ed onlv too well. ■ That there are now a pair of fine (ladies) boots to be had at-a bargain. Where? Iuquire of the trio. That “Judith’ implies prudence, but that you did the opposite divulging past es capades. He is now of the opinion that while the speech may be silver, silence will be gold. (hereafter.) WHAT THEY SLVG. When J. S. S. and J. H. T., Again staud fond!y vis a vis. Time will reveal and early show The trick as play’d by The Trio.