Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ESTAIiLlSHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY and iUe pjp$ F. HORX, Fbopp.ietoe. PRACTICAL Confectionep i T OMieuter In all branches of the bnsiness on these islaods. AMEIUCAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH a\d OEEMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Weddiij5 \ Bifth-dai Made of the very best material, uusorpassed in richness of quali tv and ornameuted in unapproacha'hle style. at lower prices thau any other establishment in Houolulu. Famiiy GuavaJelly, Preserved Tamarinds ,and Taraarind Syrup. ALL C0NFECT10NERY Manufactured at my Establishmeut are Guaranteed t"> be Positively Puee and sold at prices no other establisbment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Stp.eet, Between Nuuanuand F«>rt Streets BOTH TELEPH05?ES No. 74. NAN-YU*SHOSHA. JUST RECEIVED from J APAN Several Kind of Cowton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in difterent qualities. A$oPtnient of popeelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japauese Lanterns and many Cnrios suitable for Christmas Goods. 411 KING STREET. Honolnlu. Telephones, Bell 474. P.O. Boi 386. Mnlnal 544. nol3 Im C. T. AKANA MERCHANT TAIL0R, 324 Nuuanu Street All Snits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. nol7 i WIN6 WO TAI & Co., No. 214 Nananu Street, GOMMlSSION MERCHANTS, Importere »nd Dealers in GES'L iīERCHAXDJS£. Fine Manila Gigars. Chīiie8e and Japanese Crock’rywara, Mattmgs. Vases of aU kmds. Camphorwood Trunks. Ratt»n Ch«irs. a Fme A.«ortuent of Dress Siiks, Best Brands of Chinese aud Japaneso Teas of Latesi Importations. inapeeiioo of New Goods Respectfuily Soliqited. Mntoal Tel. 966. P. O. Box 158.