Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 December 1893 — THE SITUATION. [ARTICLE]


The Corwin’s arrival and the possible or probable purport of its dispat<?hes contiuues to be the prevailing topic on the streets and in the business offices. Half of the P. G. adherents are deeply weighing the significance of H:s Honor Albert Francis Judd’s

statement, “if we do not all hang together we will hang separately.” Wehasten toassurethemthat there isno unmitigated vengeance in the hearts of the restoration party. Those misguided but sincere men who honestly thought that they were acticg for the benefit of tbe countrv have notbing to fear. Bot tbose who went into the rebellion to save their own positions, or to grab those of other people, need not i grumble if they find that in the i words of the Scriptures from

-- E them “shall be iaken away even that whieh they had.” Bat all honest men, however they may theoretically view the form of government. whieh is destined to control these islands, will undonbtedly admit that any contest with the expresse<l will of tbe Government of the United States is simply fol!y, and means ruin to the country. and to the veiy people who oppose what they are p!eased to eiaim as their own government and nation. All tbe others need not worrv. Polilieal * opiniona diftering shonld not eaneel aneieni friendships, or prevenf mntoal working for the eommon benefit of the nation and countiy.