Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IJUST ARRIVED. 3 q $ Baby Caniages \ 0F ALL STYLEs, t(ugp, »]atg, IX THE LATE5T PATTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLD \ Hand Sewing Machinf.s, |y AU With the Ln; Impr r iv« nit>ut»‘^3 PAELOK Organs, Gnitars-. And Other Mnsical Iustninients. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAI8 ON HAND, AXD POR 8ALE BY ED. 90rr8CHLiEG££ i G0. King St.. opno. Castle A Cook«’s. pkional Irofi won^ Quef.n Stbeet. Betw6€D Alakei «k Kiehanl St«. i TME<|UX!'ERSIGN£D «re prepared to I make ell kiods of Iren Brass. Bronze, Zinc, v • Tin and Lend Castings. Also t General Repair Shop for St« «m Eneinea, Rice Mills, Com Mills, Water Wheels, Wind Mills, ete, Machines for the Cleaning ol Coffec, Castor Oils,.Be«as, Ramie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves & other F '>rons P'anU, And Paper Stoek ( Also Maehinea for Extracting Starch from the Manioe, Amiw Root, etc. All Order» pmmptly attended td. WHITE, RITMAN €i CO. Long Branch BATHING Estabiishment. This Fir8t-class Bnthmg Resort bas been enlarged antl is now open to the puhlie. It is ihe best plaee on tbe islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door exery half bourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minotes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. KV0HG SBC €H0NG & C0. i C023.tXSLCt0r <Sz Bu.ild.er l?aiiiting, &c. S5C' We also keep on band Bēdstēads. MāTTRASSēS, Tablēs. 800KCASēS. Mirrors, Eie,. * AT THĒ LOWĒST HARKĒT PRICES No. 316 Kiog st, Honolulu de4 3m