Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Shortest day in the year. ! Business, doll, as usual. No signs of- the Alameela yet. Concert at Makee Island to night. The CounciIs met this afternoon at 1:30. J. L. Kanlukon has a card of thanks in this issne. The «hark-story in last night Star is really «mu8ing. The Trn«tees ot" the Queen’s Hospital had a meeting to-day. Who gave the text of Minister Willia' demand tt* the Advertiser? Eeho answers See Jay. The troops fmm the Champion and the Naniwa will probably be landed tbis evening or to-morrow morning. It is reported that the energetic Examiner corresj>oudent has found ‘ : the ways and means,” to ntilize the Corwin. The snbscription list for Charlie Poterson, the Diamond Head lookout. promises well £or a snbstantial return for faitbfnl services rendered, Nearly all the ship captains in port have coutribnted. Major E. H. F. Woiters has iaken charge of the Pacific saloon. The wellknown gcniality of the Major together wiih his oxcollent '*stntr’ and thc famons Monogram Beer will make the saloon a perfect snccess. The Major will be pieased to meet all his friends of old and as many of new ones who shonld care to eall on him N.B. The kaug&roo is cot a*oond.

The ex stranded, bat steamsb>p Miowera, is now ready for sea again. Oompliment«ry to tbe capability of Hawaiian mechanics. J. S. Andrade, a we'.I-known town-boy drives haek No. 129. on the «tand whieh answers to telephone No. 13. Ring him up. The many friends of genial Ed. Austin (foru erly of the Pacific Saloon) wiil please beur in mind that Le is now a DlfiPESsEB of F.vncy Mixed Drikks and the Finest Brands of L qoors at the Royal Saloon, where he will be made bappy to see and sene you all. His suasive mauners aud gentlemanly acts towards everybody need no comments from onr pen. A trial will convince all of tbe patrons of said saloou that his only aim is to try and suit eveiyone. Test him, and you will be sure to eall again—that’s what.