Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. [ARTICLE]


Hon. B. R Hmd retarned to bis Island bome on the Alameda «fter a protracted visit abroad. Mr. Hind looks extremelv well and speaks in the most hopelal terms aboat the future ot Hawaii and the restoration of oar constitutional government. Lonin A. Tborston tarned up this morning. He is probabiy looking for that shark and some freaks who besides bimself are to grace his maseam at the Midwinter Fair. Mr. H. A. Widemann jr. arr;ved this moruiog and will spend a two weeks vacation here, after whieh he will return to his plaee of basiness in San Francisco. Mr. H. N. Castle has retarned, and will iesume his formerdaties as editor of the Advertiser. We congratulate the readers of the morning organette on his retarn as there now, perhaps, will be something worth reading in tho sleepy old sbeet. Mauy well-known kamaainas retarned to Hawaii on the Alameda. Mr. Samael Alleu writes to a friend that he is feeling very mueh improved in health, and that he hopes soon to retarn home. He writes cheerfally abont the prospects of the restoration of Her Majesty.