Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[\Ve do not hold onrselves respousible for the opiuioui or the utterauces of our coirespordents.] Euitor Holomua: 8o I hear Mr. Editor that the great showman Tom Pepper who will ride the aquarium shark at the Midwinter tair has ordered a most georgeous suit to be built by the famous firra of Tregloan »t Martin of military fame: AJ1 material to be guaranteed. And on a eeiiain day not yet set the famons Tom, in charge of tho good Good, will be marched to Adler's shoe shop to be measured for a niee pair of Top Boots, the same to have Silver Tops, also the spurs will be of silver; solid--tbat is if these is enongh of the said metal in the treasury vault of Hawaii. There will also be rifie —tearas exhibited at the Midwinter fair that will be eqnipped from the saraesource, if etc, etc,. N.B. the boxes of sand for the markei"S to get into, or behind, will be placed at least two bundred yards to the right ot left of the target. The said boxes will be inspected at least onee a year to see if there is not some ehanee to put a ball through them, and a still greator precaution wiil be taken—marker’s lives will be insured for a large sum, but of course they will h»ve to die to win, Sharpshootek.