Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 85, 28 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRBCE*A. J. GARTWR1CHT Bustnen of iriduciary X«ure Treoisact«d. Prompt »Uetion giren to ehe management of Estafc. Gaaruianshi}«, Trosts, et|, etc., etc. 0jnce9, .* Cnrhcright Buildtng, Merdant Street, Honolnln. W. B. LUCĒ - "V\ r in0and Spirit Mbrchant Oamphei Firt-proof Block . MEKCHAllt ST.. HONOLULU CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Qieen Emma Hall. Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILYSāBUTCHER Maktr of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. 3Iutual īelephone Number 289. LEWIS & C0. Whoiesale and Retaii Grocers AND PROYISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICĒ By Erery 8an Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmo\ in Bahbels a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 207Crrterion Saioon PFRJ AUSTRALIA, anotber Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WELLAND EXTRA PALE LAGER Also, a Fresh Iwoioe of CALIFORNiA PYSTERS FOR 0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. VI DAT1E8, RIGGER : axd : STEYEDORE ESTIMATE8 AXD CO\TBACT8 O.V ALL KIXDS oF WOKK. Omat Wkh Wright : Fort Street. dec 16-tf