Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 86, 29 December 1893 — THE MISSES ALBU [ARTICLE]


— At Kawaiahao Church. An Excfllent (.'oncert l.ast >iirht. The Concert uiiieh tbe Mis.ses Albu thagifted Āingers who have j visited Honolnlu for tbe past weeks gave at Kawaiahao Church , last night for the benelit of the j . Church funds was a great success i ali throogh. Thc Church was 1 | not filled so well as eonhl have : been desired tbe i-eason probablv j I to besoughtbeiug the present im fortuuate politicaI fgeling. Many of the music loving people | of Honolulu had gathered though ■ aud thev greatly appreciated the j excellent progi-amme whieh I was rendered. Professor Berger who opened tbe coucert with his orches- i tra playing ‘The Diadem” by j Herrqann deserves many eompliments for the efficiency and excellent playing of his orcbestra whieh only has been under his care and management for a short while. Tfaere are among the players several who rank far above an ordinaiy aad are veritably acquisitons to ourcommunity. Miss Albu sacg during the evening Meyerbeer’s “Robert. ToiqneJ'ainae' ’andHandel s"Angels Ever Bright and Fair” besides ‘Aloha Oe” u.nd rendered all nuiubt«» with thaisuperbskiil whieh has secnred her her lngh standing as a singer. Her sister Miss Rose Alba sang Gounods * Ruth Lntreat me not to leave thee‘ and Ralfe’s “Good Night Beloved besides the beantifal Hawaiian song “Like no a Like” and was received wiih the same enthasiasm as gcaeied Mias Aiha. Bot ii is as doettiste ihai

the two artists show themseUes at their best. Their voices biend iteautifoliy and their uvhnique is simpty perfect.' Hamiei » dnet froul the Messia ‘ ‘ He shall feetl his Aoek - ' aud Horn‘s “I know a Bank were the bravura nnmbers of the evening and it ts oniy to beregretted that it. at least for the preseut. waātbelasttime that these great singers wiil be beard here. Mr. Booth aasisted the ladies bv singing two songs whieh he rendered in his Uaual pieasing und elever raanner and whieh were duiy recognized by the audience. Mr. S. L Barsotti showed bimseif as a virtuoso on the pieeolo playing Admn s solo ■ ThrougU the air’ in a most exh eelient manuer. Professor Berger piayed the accompauiments in his nsual eflicient styie using a piano of an eieeileul toae whieh the Hawaiian New- Company kindiy had provided for the occasion. The Coucert is the last to be giveu here by the M isses Albu, but we hope that they hj»ve reeeived | eucoaragemeat notwithstanding the diffica!ties nnder whieh we ! labor so as to be willing to retarn to our shores at some fnture date., Their genial ■ inanager Mr. M L. N. Plunkett ! wo trust is satislied with the result of his visit. aud we cordially mvite him to “eali again" either with a opera troupe or some concert singers.