Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 86, 29 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAvWA.il HOLOMOALS PUBLI8HED Everv .A.t’ternoon EXCBPT SD.VD\V BV THE Holomua Publisiing Co. At King St. (TUonias block), Honolula. H I. SU2SC2IPTI0N. per Month. 50 Cis. The p*p«r is delivered by Carriers in the towc and snburbs. --mgle Copies for S<de »t the News Denlers and at tne Office of pnbli«iAtion. Eouumo NORRIE. - - Edltor A3RAHAM FēRHAHDEZ, - Manager XOTICE. AU Bnsineas Commurlcations shonld be *ddr?ssed to Abraham Fernandez, HonoInln, H. I. Correspoudence and Communications for Snbli 'ation shonid be addressed to the Editor [awaii Holomna. No notice will be paid to any anonymous commanicatk>ns. Susittf5S (Tards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Offi - 113 Kaahnmaau Street. Honolnlu Hawuiian Islands. CHARLBS CKEIGHTON, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Offi>': I l3JKaahumanu Street, Honolnln H iwaiiau Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mntual Telej>hone 415. CLAKEKCE W. ASHFORD, ArrORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Old C«pitol 6nilding, (Honolnlu Hale). adjoining Post Office, Honolnln. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEV AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. 180, Hesidence 67. A. KOSA, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, No. 10 Kaahumauu St., Honolulu, Hawaiiau Islauds. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Office, coruer King A Bethel Sts, F. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOB a.vd BUILDEIL No. 506 King Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Isiands. DR. McLENN a N, 131 Fort Street. U>ffi«>e H««nrs: 9 A.M. to 12 M.: 3 to 5 P.M. t>ffice Tel. 6S2-MiTrAL- Kesidenoe Tel. 287. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auetioneer. Comer Fort and Qnecn Street», Honolnln Personal atteution given to Saies of Fnrnilure, Re#l Estate. Stock and General Merchaudise. Mamal Totephon* S3S.